Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pre-Summer 1.

Question: What causes us more excitement than knowing that in 4 months we will be doing ministry in Nepal?

Answer: Skyping with Job and Bethany and discussing this ministry for Nepal. Every week it gets more real, and being able to talk about the summer with the Hammonds tonight simply added to the anticipation.

Praise: Our team is growing rapidly! March has just begun and we already have 40 applicants! This is really cool.

Prayer: Of those signed up currently, we only have 4 men on the team (senior staff excluded). There is a need on our team for more men, and I implore you to join our senior staff (Me, Kels, Job, Bethany and Ian) in asking God to push more young men toward this trip.

Praise: We received our first financial update today and we are just a hair shy of 10% of our goal met. This goal of $12,000 will cover most of our expenses this summer including airfare, food, all facets of our insurance, and keeping up our home while away. THANK YOU to those of you who have been generous with you money. We are deeply thankful. If you would like to support us with a gift simply take a trip HERE. It's as easy as typing a number in one box and designating it for either one of us (Hint: Just click the down arrow, you don't have to scroll down to find us)

Prayer: Kels is working two jobs and I am working while going to school. This + church ministry + fundraising + a lengthy to-do list = Stress! The easiest thing for us to do in a time as busy as this is jump out of bed running. However, at least when I jump out running, I tend to neglect God. And Kels. Please pray that we would be diligent in putting our relationship with God first and foremost, our relationship with each other second, and all the rest third. As important as everything else is, God has us here to build relationships. It would be foolish to neglect them because we are "busy".

Praise: We will be heading down to Indiana to speak at Cornerstone on Sunday, March 18 at 10.15 am. If you are in the area please come visit! We will be discussing why we are going to Nepal and what we will be doing there. We are also in the process of lining up 2-3 more churches to speak to about this trip (this time all in the central Minnesota area). Praise God he is providing opportunities for us to share about this incredible ministry we get to be a part of.

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