Monday, March 26, 2012

Pre-Summer 2: Little Princes.

Over the past week I have been reading a book called "Little Princes- One Mans Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal" As the title suggests it is about a man who visits Nepal with the intention of only staying 2 months to work at an orphanage for the glory it will bring him back home. However, his heart gets stolen by the children in Godawari (30 min south of Kathmandu)

As the story progresses he goes back to Nepal, and well, the rest is in the book. "Little Princes" by Conor Grennan. Read it. Through this real life story, I have already fallen in love with the people of Nepal and the country itself. I am already burdened with the well being and the salvation of this people group. I have also learned a lot about Nepali culture and history throughout the story.

Nepal was divided by a ten year civil war (1996-2006). During this war, rebels overtook most of the north west regions and would force children to fight for them. In order to protect their children parents would spend their entire life's savings and go in to debt to send their children to Kathmandu. Little did they know, that the men offering to feed them, send them to school and take care of them, were nothing but vultures and child traffickers. They took any donation they could from good-doers and pocket it, instead of spending it on the children. Most of them ended up homeless, starving and alone.

Even after the peace treaty was signed, the children where stuck in Kathmandu with no idea how to reach their families or if they were even alive. This story reconnects some of these children with their long lost families hundreds of miles away.

I could not be more excited the God has chosen to send us to Nepal. Even now, God is preparing my heart for the ministry there with our students. Please pray that our students experience similar heart preparation for this mission.

UPDATE: We are at about $4,000 of the $12,000 that we are attempting to raise. If you would like to help support us click Here and choose one of our names from the drop down list.


(Jack is way better at this blog thing. This is my first. lol)

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