Monday, March 17, 2014

Five Ways to Pray

How can you pray for us right now? (Thanks for asking!)

1. Hearts: Speaking (or more accurately, writing) as a guy who goes to school full-time, works part-time and has a wife to invest in, it is really easy to neglect God. This is my confession. Please pray that we would continue to fight for our daily time with the Lord. Pray that we would daily focus on the gospel and discipleship. This is key in everyday life, but especially while preparing to serve God on the mission field.

2. Marriage: Though it’s been nearly three and a half years since Kelsie and I were married we still have times when we are two single people sharing an apartment. Prayer for us as a unit is vital, that we would hear God speak and continue to grow in one love for Him, one passion for his people, and one desire to invest in each other. Our experience in Nepal two summers ago still stands out as having the greatest effect on our marriage of anything we’ve done so far and we look forward to seeing how God will transform us this coming summer.

3. Diligence: Because we are such busy creatures (Kelsie and I specifically) we find it so easy to collapse onto the couch at the end of the day and watch an episode or two of Downton Abbey before heading to bed. Not that this is a bad thing in moderation but we want to find the motivation to push through our exhaustion and continue preparing for the summer. Whether it is making those dreaded phone calls for financial requests, praying for the ministry of the summer or merely spending quality time with each other, we request prayer that we be diligent in using our time wisely.

4. Students and Staff: Please also be in prayer for the students and staff who are busily preparing for the summer as well. We have roughly thirty high school and college aged individuals we will be taking over to Nepal and we are super excited to meet them. Please pray protection over them, as this is a time when spiritual warfare is especially intense. Also, our team has a specific NEED. Please pray that we would find one more male staff (age 18-???) to lead a small group. Or if you are a college-aged guy reading this, pray about joining the team. Seriously, go pray about it.

5. Finances: The subject that is completely necessary for missions but comically uncomfortable at the same time. Kelsie and I must raise roughly $9,400 for the both of us to travel, be fed and have a place to lay our head throughout the summer. This is the absolute minimum we must raise to go. We have an additional, and just as crucial need, of roughly $2,600 for expenses at home (rent, car insurance, etc.). I will post a more detailed breakdown of these expenses at a later date. The initial dollar amount needs to be sent in to Reign Ministries, and is tax-deductible. To date we have received nearly $2,500 which is a little over 20% of our goal. This is a great start, but please be in prayer that God would continue to bring in the finances for this trip. Also, we understand that not everybody is able to support us financially. However, if it is possible for you, please pray about giving financially. Out of a $12,000 need we still have to raise about $9,500 more over the next three months.

Thank you for all of your prayers, and please don’t stop praying for us.

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